Genre: Trap The Sacred Trap Suite Step into the future of Trap production with over 6 unique kits, loaded with industry-ready sounds, live instruments, dark and melodic vibes. Genre: Boom Bap The Crate Collection The Crate Collection is my new production suite packed with authentic sounds to help you easily create those iconic sounding Old-School Boom-Bap Beats. Genre: Drill Planet Drill Ive spent the past few months putting together the first World Themed Drill Bundle. Hiring musicians all over the world to record rare instruments and sounds for you to use and stand out with your beats! The Deep Suite Stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of drill music with the Deep Suite bundle. If you’re aiming to be a trend-setter of the drill scene, this is the arsenal you need. The Divine Bundle Gain access to an arsenal of Drill samples inspired by Headie One, Central Cee, Pop Smoke, and Fivio Foreign. Genre: Mixed The Vault The Vault contains 4 insane drum kits with almost 1,000 drum sa...
The Exosphere Mode Studio blog
Here, we delve into various topics such as entrepreneurship, song reviews, samples, beats, sound design, plugins, production, content creation, etc.